A Primer to Gaining Permanent Residency in Australia

A Permanent Resident of Australia is one who is a non-Australian born migrant but becomes a permanent visa holder of the country.

All permanent residents, also referred to as PRs, can live, work and stay in Australia without any restrictions, just like Australian citizens. That said, they still are eligible for Australian Citizenship only if they fulfill certain criteria. As although a permanent resident has most of the entitlements and rights that a citizen is eligible for, they are qualified to avail certain privileges.
For instance, an Australian citizen can return to his country after being away from his motherland for many days, but permanent residents can only do so if they possess permanent visa in addition to a valid travel authority if they want to return to Australia.

Only permanent residents who entered Australia before 1984 as British subjects are eligible to vote in the Australian government elections. The rest of PRs, however, cannot exercise the right to vote.
But both citizens and permanent residents are eligible to avail most benefits and government services of Australia. Among them are social security benefits, which have enabled legislations such as Social Security (International Agreements) Act 1999 and the Social Security Act 1991, besides the attendant international social security agreements that Australia had reached with other countries. More information that permanent residents can avail would be available on the website of the Department of Human Services. 

Medicare scheme of Australia, which is bound by the Health Insurance Act 1973, is available to all Australian residents. But to know if they are eligible or not, permanent residents need to check up with the Department of Human Services (Medicare). 
Only citizens of Australia and certain permanent visa holders can avail the HELP scheme, also known as the Higher Education Loans Program, according to the Higher Education Support Act 2003.  For more information, it is advised that PRs check the website of Study Assist.
Eligibility for citizenship of Australia is defined by the Australian Citizenship Act 2007. To know about eligibility for Permanent Residents as governed by that Act can be found out by visiting the Citizenship website. 

The Migration Regulations 1994 defines the eligibility required to sponsor people for permanent visa holders, including citizens and permanent residents of Australia and also eligible New Zealand citizens. These details can be culled out from the website of DIBP (Department of Immigration and Border Protection).

If you want to know more about migrating to Australia and getting a permanent resident status, approach Y-Axis, the leading immigration visa consultancy services company, which operates out of 19 offices in India’s eight major cities. 

Source Link: - http://www.sooperarticles.com/law-articles/immigration-law-articles/primer-gaining-permanent-residency-australia-1542922.html


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